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History and Research of Torque Release Technique: Hear about the background, history, design and amazing results that lead to the development of TRT and the Integrator. Research published in the major medical journal, Journal of Molecular Psychiatry, and featured in a documentary by Discovery Health Channel. Research demonstrating the Chiropractic Adjustment’s vital role in state of wellbeing.

The Diagnostic Indicators of Subluxation: After exhaustive review of the archival literature of the tonal techniques, Dr Jay Holder has collated the “best of the best” Subluxation indicators available to make your assessment process much more outcomes based. Take your clinical decision making to new levels of confidence, reliability and reproducibility.

The Protocol of the Torque Release Technique Model: Receive new insight into concepts such as non-linear timing, primary and secondary subluxations, non-linear adjusting, less is more, low force adjusting, leg testing and pressure testing for correctional vectors, subluxation listings and torque, rechecking for outcomes of each adjustment, and how to maximise processing of each adjustment.

Nervous System Tonal Model: Revise the anatomy, biomechanics, physiology, and neurobiology of the spine and central nervous system and gain a new respect for the importance of spinal tonal integrity. Gain an appreciation for and new found understanding of, the intimate relationship between body and mind, and the pivotal role the spine plays in this connection.

Principles of the Torque Release Technique Model: Review the fundamental principles beginning from the original chiropractic concepts as proposed by the Palmers and Stephenson, and progressing/evolving through to cutting edge quantum science. Gain a clear focus of the driving values behind delivery of each adjustment.

The Non-Linear Testing Priorities: This knowledge can be applied to any technique model to upgrade your assessment and clinical decision making skills. Most techniques work in a linear progression – start at the top of the spine and work down, or vice versa. What if there was a system to determine where you should adjust first, second, third etc? TRT will show you how to prioritise where to deliver your adjustment, at any given moment in time!

Coccyx/Sphenoid Testing and Correction: Why did the original text on upper cervical adjusting include a chapter on the coccyx? What features does the Sphenoid bone share with a vertebrae, and can this segment be adjusted? TRT will demonstrate to you how to test and correct these key neurological attachment points.

The Brain Reward Cascade and Reward Deficiency Syndrome in Subluxation Centred Chiropractic: The Journal of Psychoactive Drugs dedicated an entire edition to this mind-expanding paradigm shift in mind/body medicine. And guess what: Chiropractic is one of the major modalities discussed. Mainstream science discovering the psycho-neuro-immunological evidence proving century old chiropractic theories.

The Flaws of Advanced Leg Testing: If you think that leg testing is a waste of time you need to attend TRT to discover why you are wrong. If you do utilise leg testing you need to attend TRT to expose and correct all the mistakes you have been making – till now! This segment is worth the cost of the registration alone.

Implementation of TRT: No stone is left unturned: Heaps of good old fashioned common-sense advice as to how to implement TRT into your practice the day you return.

Hands-on-training: Most techniques send you back to practice with more questions than answers, and lots of frustrating days ahead trying to implement the methods. With TRT, you will quantum leap your technical development by 6 months. Receive personal tuition in the use of the Integrator Instrument.

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Torque Release Technique (TRT) is the first Chiropractic Technique to be created through a rigorous scientific research and development process. TRT aims to improve health and wellbeing by improving Nervous System function via specific Adjustment of Primary Subluxations. TRT is an extremely gentle chiropractic method and has been published in major Medical and Chiropractic Journals and featured on the Discovery Health Channel.

© Dr Nick Hodgson 2008

2005 Victorian Chiropractor of The Year, Australasian TRT Training Provider, Fellow Holder Research Institute.

 Visit Nick's other web site at www.superhealthy.com.au